
Milestone Publications

Chancification: How to Fix the Flaw of Averages by Sam L. Savage, 2022. Describes how to fix the Flaw of Averages through Chancification, a revolutionary approach for making chance-informed decisions.


The Flaw of Averages: Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty by Sam L. Savage, John Wiley, 2009, 2012. Describes the pitfalls of average-case analysis and lays out the necessity of probability management. 


Monte Carlo for the Masses, Sam Savage Analytics Magazine, September 2016. Showcases the 3.0 SIPmath modeler tools and kicks off the Random Number Initiative.

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Probability Management: a two-part foundational article on probability management was published in ORMS Today. (2006)

Part I (PDF)

Part II (PDF)


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Trade-off Analytics: Creating and Exploring the System Tradespace, edited by Gregory S. Parnell, 2016.
Presents an integrated trade-off and risk analysis framework to identify value and risk. Examples from defense and commercial domains illustrate these concepts in the different life cycle stages. Chapter 9 includes an Integrated SIPmath Model.

Calculating Uncertainty: Probability Management with SIP Math, by John Marc Thibault, 2013. This book provides a brief introduction to Probability Management and a tutorial on the theory and practice of SIP math.

Frontiers of Modern Asset Allocation, by Paul Kaplan, Quantitative Research Director at Morningstar Europe, John Wiley, 2012. 
Chapter 25 of the book, entitled Updating Monte Carlo Simulation for the Twenty-First Century, by Paul D. Kaplan and Sam Savage, describes Distribution Strings.



Operations Readiness Rollup

Podcast with Connor McLemore about his Walker Award-winning paper coauthored with Shaun Doheney and Sam Savage. (July 2020)

In this episode of the CANA Connection Podcast, CANA Advisors' President Rob Cranston interviews CANA team member Connor McLemore about his recent award and the 88th MORS Symposium. Connor is a Principal Operations Research Analyst with over 12 years of experience in scoping, performing, and implementing analytic solutions.


Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Podcast recorded with Sam Savage and Shayne Kavanagh of GFOA for their Fiscal First Aid Resource Center (May 2020)

In our latest podcast, GFOA's Shayne Kavanagh talks with Sam Savage, executive director of, about decision-making in uncertain times.