Metalog Distributions
The Metalog System transforms uniform random numbers generated by the HDR or other random number algorithms into virtually any continuous random variate. Invented by Dr. Tom Keelin, this system replaces hundreds of arcane mathematical equations for different types of uncertainties with a single elegant family of formulas. The system not only replicates traditional statistical results, but it goes beyond them by detecting multiple populations within a single data set and providing analytical expressions for multi-modal distributions. The most important feature of the metalogs is their ability to express almost any continuous probability distribution with a single formula driven by multiple parameters. This “one size fits all” approach vastly simplifies the implementation of the probability power grid.
The Metalog distribution on Wikipedia
Read Dr. Tom Keelin’s paper: The Metalog Distributions
Additional reading: The Metalog Distributions and Extremely Accurate Sums of Lognormals in Closed Form by Tom Keelin, Lonnie Chrisman, and Sam Savage.
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Multivariate Metalogs
It is possible to create multivariate metalog distributions in which the quantities of one variable depend on the result of another variable. In the rotating figure below, the large red dots denote the Length, Girth and Weight of a set of Steelhead Trout. The small blue dots denote a set of simulated trout based off of a Conditional Metalog distribution. An interactive version of this graphic is available here.